Summary: | This Master's thesis project aims, firstly, to evaluate the current state of the art in aeronautical
propulsion technology using electric machines. Once the state of the art has been studied, a tool
for the design and calculation of electric motors with superconducting windings is developed in
order to present a pre-design that meets the established objectives.
The analysis carried out on the state of the art will provide information on the design guidelines
that have been taken in recent years, as well as the different projects and studies that are
planned for the medium-term future. Thanks to this framework, geometric and performance
requirements of the motor are defined together with the objectives to be met.
In order to achieve this goal, a superconducting motor design module is implemented in Matlab
and FEMM, which helps to develop the selected motor efficiently, rapidly and accurately. The
IPED electric machine design tool is described, and the different stages in the calculation of the
motor are explained in detail.
Finally, the conclusions drawn from the different chapters are summarised, which will serve as
a guideline for the continuation of the HIVOMOT project, in which this Master's thesis is framed.