Summary: | The yaraví is one of the most emblematic and typical genres of Ecuador. This degree work has
as an objective the realization of scores to highlight the musical cultural identity through a mixture
between the modern, as the electric bass and the own as the yaraví, analyzing in depth each
specific characteristic of the yaraví as the metric, structure, technique of interpretation in electric
bass; in addition to a deep analysis of each arrangement of electric bass duet. The first chapter
deals with the generalities of the yaraví, its history, meter, tempo and structure, presenting a
section of Ecuadorian yaravíes, exemplifying its importance and exposing the most important of
the genre. Subsequently, the yaravíes Puñales and Momentos de tristura are analyzed. The
selection of these themes is a critical point in this work, each arrangement will work with a different
instrumentation and this allows to have a variety of sonorities that we tried to preserve in the
arrangements for electric bass. Puñales has only two guitars and vocals. Momentos de tristura,
on the other hand, has two guitars, violin, piano and vocals. For the first piece, a piano score by
Fidel Pablo Guerrero was recorded, from which musical resources were extracted and used in
chapter 2 in the electric bass duet arrangement. In the yaraví, Momentos de tristura, a different
way of analysis was used, because an audio was extracted from the recording of Momentos de
tristura by the duo Benítez y Valencia.